WATCH THIS SPACE© (“We” or “Watch this Space”), recognize the importance of protecting people’s privacy and personal data and processing it in accordance with the applicable privacy laws. It is the purpose of this Privacy Statement (“Statement”) to communicate the ways we process personal data in our marketing and sales activities. Should any applicable mandatory laws or regulations conflict with this Statement, we will respect such laws and regulations over any conflicting parts in this Statement. If you have any questions or inquiries concerning this Privacy Statement and/or your personal data, please contact [email protected]


Who is the data controller of personal data?

Data controller, and therefore the legal entity responsible for collection and use of personal data under this privacy policy is WATCH THIS SPACE©. Regarding detailed data processing activities, individual WATCH THIS SPACE© affiliate companies may also operate as data controllers, either independently or jointly with WATCH THIS SPACE©.


Why do we collect personal data?

Our primary purpose is to collect information about our customers who are individuals’ data subjects or people and/or other businesses. As part of our sales and marketing activities we will, however, collect and use personal data for the purposes of being able to provide our products and services to our customers and manage our customer relations. We also use personal data for the purposes of marketing, lead generation as well as hosting corporate events, online forums, and social networks. Regarding our websites, we use the web site navigational information to operate and improve those websites. We may also use web site navigational information alone or in combination with other personal data to provide you with personalised information about WATCH THIS SPACE© and our services and products.


What personal data do we collect?

General customer relations management. For the purposes of providing our products and services to our customer entities, and to manage our customer relations, as well as to seek prospective and potential new customers, we will collect information about individuals who are employed by or otherwise connected to those companies. Such information is limited to basic identifying details such as name, email address, title, and position in the related company.


Marketing. For the purpose of marketing, we may collect your name, address, email, information on your work title or position and your employer the company or the company to which you are otherwise related.


Website. If you visit our website, we may also collect information about you through your use of our website, including information gathered through analytics tools and cookies.


Where do we collect the personal data from?

General customer relations management. For the purposes of providing our products and services to our customers and to manage our customer relations, we collect the personal data either directly from you, through your employer company or the company to which you are otherwise related to, or through publicly available sources such as social media channels.


Marketing. For the purposes of our marketing, we collect the personal data either directly from you, through your employer company or the company to which you are otherwise related to, you are employed by or otherwise related to, or through publicly available sources such as social media channels.


Website. During your visit on our websites, we collect data explicitly from you or generate that data through your use of our websites.

What is the legal basis for the processing of personal data?

We collect and process your personal data based on legitimate interests related to the above-explained purposes and our operations. In some instances, we may also request for your consent.

Who do we share personal data with?

We share your data on a regular basis only with service providers and business partners that operate and process personal data as data processors on our behalf. These data processors may include IT, technology and tools providers hosting and maintaining our data as well as possible market research partners. Other data processors may also include professional service providers such as head-hunters or job applicant assessment service providers.


We are committed to applying adequate measures to make sure your personal data is secured reasonably and effectively in all instances, including granting access to personal data only to persons who have a reasonable requirement to access to the data to be able to perform tasks they are required to do.


Sharing your personal information with others: 

We share your personal information with 

  • other entities within the WATCH THIS SPACE© to provide you with, improve, and personalise our products and services; to manage our business; develop a single customer view; for profiling and analytics
  • third parties who help us manage our business and deliver our products and services, including loyalty schemes, IT and back-office support, fraud detection, customer service centre support, payment verification, data warehouse storage, research and analysis
  • bank and payment providers to authorise and complete payments
  • governments agencies and law enforcement and others as permitted or required by law
  • we may share in aggregate, statistical form, nonpersonal information regarding the visitors to our Platforms, traffic patterns and Platform usage with our other entities within the WATCH THIS SPACE© or third-party advertisers and social media and digital platforms to provide advertising
  • third party advertising and social media platforms to provide more personalised advertising promoting our products and services in accordance with your preferences
  • potential or actual third-party purchaser of our business or assets

The WATCH THIS SPACE© is a business registered in the UAE, which means your personal information may be transferred and stored in the United Arab Emirates and other countries which may be outside your country of residence. We will take appropriate steps to ensure that transfers of personal information are in accordance with applicable law and fully managed to protect your privacy rights and interests.

How long do we retain personal data?

We retain the personal data for only if that data is necessary for the purposes, we have collected it, or if we are required to retain that data for longer periods in order to comply with applicable laws. We will also delete or upon notice correct any incorrect or inaccurate data. We are committed to applying our internal data retention policies, as they are in force from time to time. 


Our Information Security Practices

Personal data may be stored either in hardcopy or electronic form. We recognise our obligation to safeguard the sensitive nature of all personal data. We are, therefore, committed to applying protective measures to secure against the unauthorized access, modification, collection, copying, use, and disclosure of any personal data. 

These measures include: 

  1. limiting the access and uses of information to those WATCH THIS SPACE© personnel, contractors and suppliers and persons who, for to be able to perform their relevant tasks need to have, on a fair and lawful basis, access to personal data. 
  2. use of physical and electronic access codes and passwords to control and restrict access. 
  3. training and raising awareness on relevant Employees and other personnel about data protection and privacy. 
  4. applying updates and at-minimum-industry standard technical security measures.

What rights do individuals have in regard to their personal data?

You have the right to ask us to tell you what data we at any given time store about it. Subject to local applicable laws you also have the right to:

  1. request us to erase your personal data if you deem that it should be erased, subject to applicable laws and our retention criteria.
  2. request us to restrict the use of your data or object to our processing of your personal data.
  3. object to us in processing your personal data.
  4. request us to move your personal data over to you or to another data controller in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation.
  5. if we have requested and you have given us your consent to process your personal data, you may have the right to withdraw that consent in accordance with applicable laws; and
  6. lodge a complaint with a relevant data protection authority if you deem that we have processed your personal data in violation of the applicable data protection laws.

Please note that we will review such requests and execute them in the fullest extent possible in accordance with applicable laws.